2048 Snake 3D Block

Welcome to 2048 Snake 3D Block, where players immerse themselves in a unique fusion of classic 2048 gameplay and the thrilling challenge of guiding a snake through a 3D world! Merge numbered blocks to create 2048, but beware: your snake feeds on these blocks, growing longer with each successful merge. With larger numbers posing greater risks, strategic planning and swift decision-making are essential to avoid a catastrophic collision and keep the adventure alive! Website Developer <a href='https://www.game-plays.com/'>https://www.game-plays.com/</a>

How do you play 2048 Snake 3D Block?

Mouse click or tap to play

Who is the maker of 2048 Snake 3D Block?

2048 Snake 3D Block is created by BestCrazyGames. check out their other games on JFsky.com: Scale Kid Run And Jump Up , Findamon , Winter Racing 2D .