Grimace Shake Escape Skibidi and Cameraman

You wake up in Doctor Grimace Shake scary hospital and remember nothing.
You should survive and escape - search for items and avoid Doctor Grimace terrifying guinea pigs - Dop Dop Skibidi Toilet in the sewer and Yes Yes Cameraman on the hospital grounds.
Look for creepy items that are located in the hospital, open drawers, safes and do everything to leave this scary and unpredictable place. Grimace and Skibidi like to hide things in many different places, even in closets and small cupboards.
Try not to make any noise, because otherwise any of the guinea pigs will come and knock you out, from Skibidi Toilet to Cameraman.

How do you play Grimace Shake Escape Skibidi and Cameraman?

WASD - player movement
E - use
G - throw away item
C - sit/stand up
Q - escape the hide place
Left mouse click - shoot from the flare gun
TAB - pause the game
Search for the items and use them to open main door and escape

Who is the maker of Grimace Shake Escape Skibidi and Cameraman?

Grimace Shake Escape Skibidi and Cameraman is created by Walhemic Interactive.