Love Tester Deluxe

Always wanted to know if two people are a match? Enter the names in this Love Tester and find out if there is real love between them! In this 'Deluxe' edition you can also see how much the couple scores on: Compatibility, Chemistry, Friendship and ofcourse Passion! Check wbich of your classmates, colleagues, friends make the perfect couple!

How do you play Love Tester Deluxe?

Enter the names of the couple you want to love test. Hit the 'Love Test!' button and to see your love score percentage. Then hit the other buttons to see the rest of the scores. Hit the 'Final Results' button to see the score overview

Who is the maker of Love Tester Deluxe?

Love Tester Deluxe is created by Agame. check out their other games on Kris Mahjong Rewarded , Tower Match , Temple Jewels .