Risk of Fairies

Seek out the red crystal for each level to summon the boss, or fight the continuously spawning fairies to save up money for treasure chests. The game becomes progressively harder as time passes. Don't dawdle!
The game has no definitive ending. Strive to live as long as possible!

Enabled up to 4 player multiplayer (let us know if it breaks!)
Added a true Lunatic mode
Time scales 50% faster (due to the small map currently)
Added an temporary invulnerability state to the 3rd ability, Dash
Added 4th ability, Master Spark
Added affixes to enemies, making them more difficult to defeat but with greater reward
Diversified the enemies. They shoot more specialized patterns and deal more damage
Enemies spawn at the start of the stage
Added 9 new items, removed the Uncommon Tengu Geta item
Added combat shrine (spawns higher level enemies)
Added gameover screen
Added pause button
Quality of Life

Added an item display for the items gathered so far
You can hover over items and abilities to get their descriptions
Messages appear when you interact with shrines
Added buff visuals and improved some existing bullet visuals
Added item gallery to check out all items in the game

Fixed the sacrifice shrine being able to kill you
Fixed ability charge items resetting on a new stage
Fixed exponential items scaling too hard
Fixed numerous items not working exactly as intended

How do you play Risk of Fairies?

Tap To Play

Who is the maker of Risk of Fairies?

Risk of Fairies is created by XGames. check out their other games on JFsky.com: Dollhouse , Fairy Town , Fashion Zombies .